General terms and conditions
1. General
2. Contract conclusion
Maxiscoot GmbH
Gökçe Soycan
Saar-Lor-Lux Straße 11
D-66115 Saarbrücken
Registernumber HRB 14078
Amtsgericht Saarbrücken
3. Delivery
2. Deliveries outside of EU countries are made upon enquiry and separate agreement.
3. If an article is temporarily unavailable, we will send you an email to inform you of the anticipated delivery time, insofar as we have an address from you. This does not affect your legal entitlements.
4. Packaging and shipping costs
5. Payment
(2) For deliveries within the EU, payment is only possible by credit card. Visa and MasterCard are permitted.
The delivered items remain the property of Maxiscoot GmbH (retention of title according to §§158, 449 BGB (German Civil Code) until full payment. If the agreed payment terms are exceeded, we have to charge reminder and processing fees, which must be paid by the purchaser.
6. Right of cancellation
For deliveries of standard mats, this cancellation period does not end before contractual conclusion or collection of the items by the recipient (or, in the event of recurring deliveries of identical items, not before receipt of the partial de livery), or before fulfilment of our duties of information, for customers in Germany as per §312c Para.2 BGB (German Civil Code) in conjunction with §1 Para.1, 2 and 4 BGB-InfoV (German Civil Code Freedom of Information Law) and our duties of inform ation as per §312e Para.1 Clause 1 BGB in conjunction with §3 BGB-InfoV. (German Civil Code Freedom of Information Law).
Consequences of cancellation: In the event of cancellation, the mutually received services, as well as any benefits gained (e.g. interest ) must be returned/refunded. If you cannot return/refund the received service to us in full or in part, or can only do so in deteriorated condition, you must pay us compensation for lost value. In the event items are provided, this does not apply if the item’s deterioration is exclusively a result of checks – e.g. which you could have performed in the shop. For the rest, you can avoid the obligation to pay lost-value compensation for deterioration caused by correct usage of the item by ensuring y ou use the item as if it is not your property, and refraining from undertaking anything which could negatively affect its value. You do not have to compensate for lost value in the event of deterioration caused by correct usage of the item. Items capable of being shipped must be returned at our risk. Maxiscoot bears the transportation costs. You must bear the return shipment costs if the delivered item corresponds to the ordered item, and if the price of the returned item does not exceed an amount of 40 EUR, or if you have not yet rendered a service in return or made a contractually agreed partial payment if the item has a higher price at the time of cancellation. Otherwise, the return shipment is free of charge for you.
The right of cancellation does not exist for online contracts regarding the delivery of items which are manufactured according to customer specifications (patterns), clearly tailored to the personal needs of the customer, or unsuitable for return shipment due to their quality (Personalisation of items). Your right of cancellation also expires prematurely if the contract is, at your express request, completely fulfilled by both parties before you have exercised your right of cancellation.
7. Warranty
8. Liability
2. The rule in paragraph 8.1 also includes damage compensation coupled with the service, damage compensation instead of the service, and entitlement to compensation for futile expenses, regardless of their legal grounds, including liability for defects, delays or impossibility.
9. Data protection
10. Copyright
Maxiscoot does not assume any liability for any external logos, images or graphics provided by manufacturers or the customer. By ordering and sending these images and graphics, the customer declares it is either the intellectual proprietor thereof, or has obtained the relevant licensor’s copyright or the authorised party’s consent to use them. Photos, logos, texts, reports, scripts and programming routines displayed on these pages, which are our own developments or have been prepared by us, cannot be copied or used for other purposes without our consent. All rights reserved. By submitting its offer to buy, the purchaser confirms that the drafts, patterns, designs, logos, trademarks or lettering provided by it can be used unconditionally, and particularly that any necessary consent has been given by third parties. It additionally assures that Maxiscoot will not be prosecuted under copyright law for using these documents, or that Maxiscoot will be indemnified and held harmless in the event third parties raise claims against these copyright breaches.